ConsultationPrice (lei)
Primary Consultation100
Specialty Consultation and Treatment Plan300
Digital Smile Design (DSD) and Photo Session1,000
Study Model400

RadiologyPrice (lei)
Periapical X-ray50
Panoramic X-ray100
Partial CT Scan200
Full CT Scan250 - 400

ProphylaxisPrice (lei)
Professional Cleaning350
Fluoride Treatment200

OdontotherapyPrice (lei)
Direct Composite Veneers500 - 700
Dental Dressings (Emergency Treatment)100 - 150
CIS Filling100 - 250
Composite Filling (1 Surface)300
Composite Filling (2 Surfaces)350 - 450
Composite Filling (Multiple Surfaces)400 - 500
Cosmetic Filling300 - 600
Direct MTA Restoration150 - 200
Temporary Fillings50
Post and Core Reconstruction200 - 400
Preventive Sealing of Grooves and Pits50 - 150

Dental AestheticsPrice (lei)
Mouthguard250 - 350
Dental Gem Placement300 - 350
Professional Whitening Treatment with Mouthguard1,500
In-Office Professional Whitening Treatment1,750
Whitening / Tooth300 - 350

SurgeryPrice (lei)
Simple Extraction300 - 500
Root Remnant Extraction300 - 500
Extraction with Suture400 - 600
Surgical Extraction600 - 1,000
Extraction with PRF500 - 700
Frenectomy250 - 500
Premolarization, Dental Hemisection400
Retrograde Filling200
Gingivectomy / Tooth100
Extraction of Impacted Teeth / Odontotomy750 - 1,500
Odontotomy750 - 1,500
Uncovering (Emergency Dental Treatment)300 - 500
Abscess Treatment (Emergency Dental Treatment)250 - 350
Corticotomy3,000 - 4,000

PeriodontologyPrice (lei)
Periodontal Curettage / Half-Arch300 - 600
Crown Lengthening100 - 200
Flap Surgery500 - 700
Periodontal Surgery with Membrane Application250 - 600
Dental Splinting150 - 250
Artificial Bone500 - 1,000

Pediatric DentistryPrice (lei)
Temporary Tooth Extractions75
Pulpectomy50 - 250
Temporary Tooth Fillings100 - 200
Preventive Sealing of Grooves and Pits50 - 150
Fluoride Treatment / Arch50 - 150

ProstheticsPrice (lei)
Full Upper/Lower Denture2,500 - 3,500
Special Systems for Retention, Support, and Stabilization500 - 750
Skeletal Denture with Clasps3,000
Skeletal Denture with Special Precision Attachment Systems3,750
Removable Denture (Kemmeny)1,000
Temporary Denture1,500 - 2,000
Repairs200 - 500
Relining500 - 750
Dental Veneers1,750 - 2,500
Porcelain Crowns on Noble Alloy (plus alloy cost)1,000 - 1,500
Zirconium Crowns1,500 - 2,000
Porcelain Crowns on Cr-Co Alloy1,000 - 1,250
Composite Crowns on Cr-Co Alloy400 - 500
Crown Removal50
Crown Cementation with CIS50
Crown Cementation with Composite150 - 250
Porcelain Crowns without Metal Support1,500 - 2,500
Temporary Crowns250 - 300
Telescopic Crowns1,250
Porcelain Inlays, Onlays, Veneers1,250
Glass Attractive ZX-27 Fixation System1,500

Dental Implant PricesPrice (lei)
Dental Implant2,500 - 4,000
Internal Sinus Lift500 - 1,000
External Sinus Lift3,000 - 5,000
Bone Grafting1,500 - 3,000
Healing Cap250 - 500
Prosthetic Abutment500 - 1,000
Various Implant Superstructures750 - 1,500

OrthodonticsPrice (lei)
Diagnosis, Study Model, Measurements, Treatment Plan300
Orthodontic Emergency0
Fixed Metal Braces / Arch4,000
Fixed Sapphire Braces / Arch5,000
Damon Metal Braces / Arch7,500
Damon Clear Braces / Arch9,500
Spark Clear Aligner (depending on complexity & number of aligners)10,000 - 35,000
Removable Appliance1,250
Distalizing Appliance2,000
Expander Appliance2,000 - 2,500
Space Maintainer (Fiberglass)500
Intermaxillary Elastics50
Orthodontic Wax50
Spike Habit Control300
Molar Uprighting Spring350
Brackets Removal / Arch150
Skeletal Anchorage Expander3,000 - 4,500
Fixed Metal Braces Activation / Arch150
Fixed Sapphire Braces Activation / Arch250
Damon Metal Braces Activation / Arch200
Damon Clear Braces Activation / Arch270
Spark Appliance Consultation / Arch250
Removable Appliance Check-up100
Twin-Block Appliance1,500

EndodonticsPrice (lei)
Exploratory Consultation200
Endodontic Treatment for Single-Rooted Tooth500 - 750
Endodontic Retreatment for Single-Rooted Tooth750 - 1,000
Endodontic Treatment for Multi-Rooted Tooth750 - 1,000
Endodontic Retreatment for Multi-Rooted Tooth1,000 - 1,500
Removal of Broken Canal Instruments250 - 500
Closure of Perforations with MTA/Bioceramic250 - 500
Removal of Coronoradicular Device150 - 250
Soothing Dressing100
Endodontic Drainage100

Doctors Achievements

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts the word.


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